CPCI (Canadian Precast Concrete Institute)

CPCI members produce prefabricated architectural and structural concrete components certified to CSA A23.4-05 standards (“Prefabricated concrete: components and workmanship”)

The certification of a precast concrete plant demonstrates that it has the necessary facilities and personnel, and has applied the required procedures to produce safe and quality products.

CPCI members produce prefabricated architectural and structural concrete components certified to CSA A23.4-05 standards (“Prefabricated concrete: components and workmanship”)

The certification of a precast concrete plant demonstrates that it has the necessary facilities and personnel, and has applied the required procedures to produce safe and quality products.

The Precast/Prestressed Institute (PCI) is an organization dedicated to promoting a better understanding and use of prefabricated and prestressed concrete.

Founded in 1954, PCI is the technical institute for the prefabricated concrete industry. PCI develops, maintains and distributes the Body of Knowledge (BOK) used to design, manufacture and build prefabricated concrete structures and systems. It is from this set of knowledge that building codes, design guides, and education and certification programs are derived.


PCI publishes a wide range of technical manuals, reports, periodicals and other information materials. PCI provides technical resources, certifications for companies and individuals, and continuing education. In addition, it spearheads research and development projects, conventions, conferences, reward programs and more.

CSA (Canadian Standards Association)

The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is a Standards Development Organization accredited by the SCC. It is also accredited as a certification body.

The CSA is a non-profit, membership-based organization dedicated to meeting the needs of Canada’s industry, government, consumers and other stakeholders, as well as those of the global marketplace.

The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is a Standards Development Organization accredited by the SCC. It is also accredited as a certification body.

The CSA is a non-profit, membership-based organization dedicated to meeting the needs of Canada’s industry, government, consumers and other stakeholders, as well as those of the global marketplace.

Our projects, undertaken by certified personnel, rigorously apply CSA procedures and standards, as well as a variety of Canadian safety and product codes, such as those established by the Canadian Welding Bureau.

The Canadian Welding Bureau certifies welding companies, welding inspection organizations, welding inspectors and welding products through an examination and qualification process to ensure that they meet the requirements of a variety of safety and product codes as well as standards such as CSA W47.1 and CSA W186.

CPCQA (Canadian Precast Concrete Quality Assurance Certification Program)

Precast concrete certification.

The purpose of the AQBPC is:
(a) protect and serve the public from a safety point of view by certifying manufacturers who demonstrate their ability to meet national standards and other best practices;
(b) to protect and promote the best interests of the precast and prestressed structural concrete industry, the architectural precast concrete industry and the specialty precast concrete industry in Canada;
c) to protect and promote the best interests of the concrete pipe and precast concrete products industry in Canada;

Precast concrete certification.

The purpose of the AQBPC is:
(a) protect and serve the public from a safety point of view by certifying manufacturers who demonstrate their ability to meet national standards and other best practices;
(b) to protect and promote the best interests of the precast and prestressed structural concrete industry, the architectural precast concrete industry and the specialty precast concrete industry in Canada;
c) to protect and promote the best interests of the concrete pipe and precast concrete products industry in Canada;